ANIMAL Reiki Sessions
Lillies of the Field Equine Rescue : In-person “Mobile” service and “Virtual” sessions for recued and recovering horses, horses…horses
“Marcie has helped point us in the right direction for some of the illnesses and mental issues the horses we care for have had.”
Cindi & Milo : a “Virtual” session: 35 year old African Grey, parrot
“Your work Worked!!! Milo woke me up playing with her toys and being very healthy and happy. This is a first Marcie!”
INDIVIDUAL Reiki Sessions
Raya , Principle Broker: Work/ life Stress management-Classes
“Marcie Work is phenomenal. I work daily in a high-stress occupation and find her work elevates me to a state of deep relaxation. I took Reiki I class and left with a renewed sense of inner growth and self-awareness, which has had a profound beneficial effect in both my personal and professional lives.”
Kay, : Medical recovery
“I felt intense warmth when Marcie placed her hand on my hand and shoulder, then after treatment, I felt as though I could get up and run a race”